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Got something to sell ??  
Shoe box of parts, truck load of  stocks or  complete shop of stuff ??

  We have to buy,  to sell.

Thank you to All our Veteran's

Updated: October 21 2024

In Business since 1989, On line since 1999
 2024 is our 25 th  Year Online / Over 35 years in Business.

Over 1.5+ Million Visitors  Doing something Right ??

Hours 10am-6pm  Monday - Friday Central Time    270-749-2109 / 270-697-7854

 Email 24 / 7   hoosiergw@gmail.com

Located 10 miles from Mammoth Cave National Park.

For Ordering information, click on  Contact Us, at the bottom

Too many problems with Customs.
. Canada too.

About 75 % of our inventory is listed  here, with lots more coming in
Photos added as we have time.and space..

  Got something to sell ??  
Shoe box of parts, truck load of  stocks or  complete shop of stuff ??

  We have to buy,  to sell.

Commercial - Misc (A-L)

Commercial - Misc (M-Z)

Commercial - Browning

Commercial - Charter

Commercial - Colt

Commercial - Marlin

Commercial - Mossberg

Commercial - Remington

Commercial - Ruger

Commercial - Savage

Commercial - Smith

Commercial - Winchester

Military - M-1903 / M-1917 / Krag

Military - Armalite / AR-15 / M-16

Military - Enfield No 1 Mk3 / 2A

Military-  Enfield  No 4 Rifles / 5

Military - Garand / Carbine / M-14

Military - Mauser- Rifle

Mauser- Commercial-Rifle

Military - Pistols / Revolver

Military - Misc Parts

Military - Full Auto Parts

Military - Accessories

Military - Mauser -Pistol

Barrels Rifle / Shotgun / Handgun

Bolts / Firing Pins / Extractors

Firearm Boxes

Scope Mounts / Rings

Scopes / Optics / Flashlights / Lasers



Misc. Accessories / Tools / Chokes

Books / Instructions / Old Catalogs

Magazines - Pistol

Magazines - Rifle

Magazines - Shotgun

Magazines - Misc Parts / Tubes

Magazines - Military Pistol

Magazines - Military Rifle

Magazines - Identification

Magazines - Interchangeable

Magazines - WANTED
STOCKS Firearms
Grips / Butt plates /Grip Caps

Wood / Butt Stocks

Wood / Forearms

Wood / Rifle Stocks

Wood  / Semi- Finished Stocks

Ram-Line Synthetic Stocks

Synthetic Stocks Other

Military Stocks  / Handguards


Actions- Receivers

Rifle- Shotgun

Pistol Frames

Parts Guns

Firearms Purchases

Misc Reference
Odd lots / Parts

Fridays  Deal

Deal of the Week



What Is It?
Firearm Cross Reference

Mauser Cross Reference

Stock Cross Reference

Magazines - Identification

Magazines - Interchangeable

Visit our other  Store Shop at Hoosier Gun Works
Our Online store has different products than the items in our store here.
This means that if you find a product in our online catalog, it very well may not be available in our store.
Also, prices may not the same as "in-store" prices.

Or continue to browse our  Warehouse web site here.

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