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Hoosier Gun Works
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35 Years in Business
Doing Something Right ?

About Hoosier Gun Works
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 About HGW
  HGW is a family Owned Company  and operated by  Army Veterans.

After Leaving the Army in 1986, I worked  for  a Large Gun Store in Indianapolis,  moving up to Manager at one of it's four locations.

Hoosier Gun Works (HGW) started part time in 1989, Doing  Local Gun Shows  with a few  boxes of  Gun Parts.  In 1992 We started working for ourselves out of a one car Garage, In Indy. Going  from those  boxes of spare parts , we slowly adding more items as time went by, until we got to  10 tables full of  goodies. as we call em.  And  adding a 10  x 20 storage shed.

 In 1999 HGW added a web page on the internet. Our business really took off after making this move, with inquires flowing in from all over USA.  In late  1999 we bought out a  Distributor and  ran of room again.  And  stored  some stuff at a local storage facility.
  We  had to stop our own Gun Smiting operation, to expand our Parts business.

 In 2003  the City of Indianapolis and BATF  decided We had  gotten to big to be a home based business, and asked for our Licenses. That was during the Clinton era  when the  BATF was downsizing  FFL's.

 So in 2004 we made the decision to move to South Central Kentucky, outside  the small town of Park City, KY. ( near Mammoth Cave National Park !! ). Near to my Wife's folks. Wide open spaces and  friendlier  Local Government.

We really have  grown .HGW has expanded it parts operations. We can now boast of having over 200,000+ parts, 1,000+ stocks, 200 +barrels and over 4,000+ original and hard to find factory magazines.

  YES  we Kept the "Hoosier Gun Works" Name ! Hard to  change  after  30 plus years..

  HGW specializes in Gun Parts, Gun Stocks, Barrels and Magazines, but also deals in close-out and over-stocked goods. Many items are in limited supply and can not be restocked.

 HGW supplies many Gunsmiths, Gun Shops, amd  even a few  Distributors and even some Manufacturers in the Midwest and across the Country with Parts, Gun Stocks and other Merchandise.

 If you can't find what you are looking for online, call 270-749-2109 10 am-6pm M-F CST.

  We  don't  Twitter, Instgram , Facetime, or do  Text messages. We just never  got  started on those.
  We  will answer e-mail , phones calls and  even return those messages !!

 We do have a Small Show Room  with  Items for sale, with a Limited  amount of  Firearms.

 We finally gavein and  added a  online  store. Lots of  folks asking  for this. This i
ts just  items offered from several Distributors,and  may not be in the  tore,. Most of our  warehouse items are not located ton the  online  store.
 Does not include  the  Items in our  Warehouse location. Hoosier Gun Works

Visit our New  Online Store Shop at Hoosier Gun Works
Don't forget to  jump back to the Hoosier Gun Works   Store

We are located just Minutes  away from  Mammoth Cave National Park , Near Cave City, in South Central Kentucky.    Come and  Spend the Day in the Area.
 We Do a Local Gun Show in Cave City KY several times a year. Others are to  far to  travel with  what  we have,  to lug around.

Who Is Your Gun Works?  :  Hoosier Gun Works

 In 2004 we made the decision to move, our Company.  The Company got  too big for its britches, and  City of  Indy wanted us out.. In September 2004 we moved to better and bigger digs. Moved 200 miles south, to Park City, Kentucky. Reconsolidating and getting back to the better half's family..

 The Move is done to Park City, Kentucky. We inventoried prior to moving in 2004 and still can't find some of it.    In  March 2007,  HGW purchased the property adjacent, a  bigger building 40'x 50' and now can re-sort  stuff we lost track of years ago. 

 With bigger area to work from we look forward to do more things we wanted to do earlier, manufacturing some parts.   And...We even have a small Retail store space.  But... still looking for some stuff  from the move  20 years ago ????.

 HGW is a Family owned Company, run by US Army Veterans..

 HGW does not  export outside of the United States. Export restrictions are too numerous to deal with. (Canada included)

 HGW no longer offers Gunsmithing services..


HGW BUYS Parts !  

 HGW has a large assortment of new and used parts to draw from - Commercial, and Military Gun Parts. Military with strong leanings toward Enfield and Mauser military rifles. The biggest drawback was that we have more military than commercial parts but that is now changing .Online Parts Catalog!

HGW BUYS Barrels !  

 HGW tries to carry major brands shotgun barrels such as Mossberg, Remington, Winchester and Browning. New and used. HGW has new barrels for Mauser rifles, already threaded and chambered from a major manufacturer of barrels.  Also bought out a batch of O/U 12 ga barrels and stocks from an importer when they changed hands. Italian (Marrochi, American Arms, Sile).  Some New Colt pistol Barrels also.  Barrels


  There are well over 1,200 stocks in the warehouse from to A-Z.   Commercial as well as Military. Stocking factory new and like new takeoffs, as well as used, rifle and shotgun stocks. We buy stocks!!

We carried   RAM-LINE / Champion Target  synthetic stocks  for rifles and shotguns some are still available. .And their Ruger 10-22  hi-capacity
magazines  too. We are a Vista Outdoors  Sporting Group direct  dealer.

 HGW keeps a small selection of Semi-Finished stocks as time and availability allows. All semi-finished stocks require sanding and finishing, no pad or butt plate provided unless stated

. Stocks

HGW BUYS Magazines !  

 HGW specializes in older and hard to find original factory magazines.  Currently over 4,000 + original factory magazines in stock. We handle new and used magazines.

 We also have a large assortment of hi-capacity factory and good quality OEM magazines.
 If You
can't find it let us know we have an extensive list of Distributors, individual dealers and contacts to work with

We've  been  dealing in Magazines for over  30+ years.
We look all over for the  strange and unusual. and Love to Identify the Unknown.     
We may be able to Special order, some Magazines.

Not all of our inventory is listed, Many more magazines coming in every day,
many neat interesting and hard to find, call /  E-mail  for wants. 

We no longer sell USA, or National, Brand magazines, our customers deserve better.
We specialize in Original Manufacturer or Quality Aftermarket magazines.


 Every once and a while HGW run specials on merchandise that just needs to move to make more room. This could be anything from parts, barrels, magazines, and computers to you name it
. Odd Lots

We have added a few of the 25 or so firearms that we have for sale, to the  web site check these out.  Most are closeouts or interesting pieces. We try to stock  Firearms of interest to the Local Population.
. Firearms

Clearing out the Back Room.
We also have some part Guns,  for sale.
Actions, and Receivers .  over 100 +
Actions / Receivers. Parts Guns
We Buy Parts
HGW BUYS Parts !   We have to Buy to Sell !  Wanted / Buying

 We buy almost anything gun related.  From parts in a shoe box, to footlockers under the workbench in the garage, or a gun store full. Or even your old projects that never seem to get finished. HGW pays more than other BIG parts suppliers, for your parts.

We have to BUY to SELL !

 HGW no longer offers a printed catalog of our Gun Parts, Stocks, Barrels, Magazines and misc other goodies. We are sorry to have to stop this. But would  it would be out of date in matter of days. Parts change more often with the advent of our internet site, updated  weekly
. Much of our catalog is online (lots more that is not). Check out the Online Catalog!
We have a hard time keeping up.

We finally added a  online  store. Lots of  folks asking  for this. It is only  listed items from several distributors,.  Does not include  the  Items in our  Warehouse

Visit our New  Online Store Shop at Hoosier Gun Works

Most of our  items are not located there.

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