Mauser Actions |
1) Small Ring M-1893-1896
1.30 in
diameter are 8.50 in length, Straight side walled receiver with screw
of 7.620.
Small ring have a threaded shank diameter
of .980 in. With 12 threads per inch.
These include M-1893 by Spain, M-1894/1896/1938 bySweden, 1893/1995 by
Germany. Spanish M-93 bolts
have flat bottom, DWM M-95 bolt faces are round. Swedish bolts
M-38/94/96 will fit only Swedish. Receiver stripped weight 13.0 Oz.
Note stright side of receiver front to rear .Oval Gas
release cut on left side of receiver

2) M1910, M1936 Mexicans by FN and Mexico,
1.30 diameter. receiver
8.50 in length, with screw spacing of 7.620. Barrel Shank .980
Small ring have a threaded shank diameter of .980 in. With 12 threads
per inch
The barrel is a 4-groove with a twist rate of 1:9
Receiver is slightly different from other Small Ring. Mauser (Bolts
will not interchange with any other type Mauser). Receiver stripped
weight 15.2 oz. Note stright side of receiver front
to rear

3) WWI German KAR98A,
1.30 diameter. receiver ring, 8.750 in length, with
screw spacing, of 7.835 ) (7 7/8")(Long action, Small ring).
Has a threaded shank diameter of 1.100 in. With 12 threads per inch.
WWI German Carbine, Also Polish 98az Uses a standard M-98 Bolt.
4) Intermediate Large Ring M-98 ,(Large ring, Short action)
1.410 diameter. receiver ring, 8.50 in length, with screw
spacing of 7.620
Intermediate Large ring have a threaded shank diameter of 1.10 in. With
12 threads per inch.
Mexicans by FN and Belgium, the M24, M47, M48 by FN and
Yugoslavia. A large number of M48 Yugoslavian large-ring M98
Mauser have recently
been dropped on the market. This M-98 short is considered an
intermediate action, and WILL NOT fit a Standard 98 Mauser stocks
and standard bolts will not interchange.. Receiver stripped weight 15.0

5) Large Ring M-98
1.410 diameter receiver ring, 8.750 in length, with screw spacing
of 7.835. Barrel Shank of 1.100
Large ring have a threaded shank diameter of 1.10 in. With 12 threads
per inch.
Including M-98's from WWI and WW2, GEW-98, M-98k, CZ-24,
VZ-24, Spanish
M-43/44 . Chilean M1912, Steyr Brazilian M1908/34, Brno 98/22,
Argentine. M1909, M24/30 Venezuelan, FN M1935 Peruvian,
FN Standard
Model, Mauser Oberndorf. Receviver stripped weight 15.5 oz.

6) M-33-40 Small Ring,
1.30 diameter. receiver ring, 8.50 in length with screw spacing of
Small Ring Long action. Lighting cuts on sides of receiver. Have
a threaded shank diameter of .98 in. With 12 threads
per inch. Also Brno Vz-33, CZ-33/40. Recevier stripped weight 13.4 Oz

6) Mauser Magnums Commercial factory 1.50 in diameter.,
in length,
have a hole spacing of 8.207. Barrel Shank 1.141 Brevex Magnum. Rare
and Pricey.
7) Turkish Mausers there were in many
different sizes and configurations. Thereare Intermediate
as well as Long
Most receivers are large ring but with, small diameter
M-1938 Large Ring
Same as #5 above, except with a small barrel shank
diameter of
.98 May not have cut out in receiver for longer

M-1903 / 1906 Large Ring, Intermediate
Same as # 4 above but with Tall clip charger guide,
and small barrel shank of .98

M-1893 Small Ring
Same as #1 above
8) Argentine 1891

9) Siamese Mauser
1.410 diameter. receiver ring, 8.50 receiver length with
spacing of 7.60
Threaded shank diameter of .515" long, .990" in diameter,
14 threads per inch

10) Kurtz (true Short Action)
1.30" Diameter receveir ring, 8.25 Action Length. Hole spacing
of 6 .60.
Very rare, made in Germany pre WW2.
11) Interams Mini Mauser
1.195 diameter receiver ring, 7.25 Receiver length, with
screw spacing of 6.25"
Barrel Configuration
Large Ring Mauser 1.10 diameter. x 12 TPI, .625 length.
Kar/Gew 98,
VZ/CZ-24, FN etc.
Small Ring Mauser .980 diameter. x 12 TPI, .645 length. M-93 thru
Swedish Mauser .980 diameter. x 12 TPI, .645 length. M-38-94-96
M-91 Argentine .980 diameter. x 12 TPI, ..715 Length.
1) Small Ring (Spanish)
Notice straight sides
2) Mexican 1910 / 1936
Notice straight sides
3) Mauser KAR98 Carbine
Coming soon
4) Mauser Intermediate (FN Mexican Model 24)
5) Mauser Large Ring 98 (German WW2)
6) Mauser 33-40
Notice Lightning cuts in side of Receiver
7) Mauser Turkish Variosus Versions
1890 Carbine and Rifle
1893 Carbine and Rifle
1898/22 Long Rifle
1903 Rifle
1938 Carbine and Rifle
Photos Coming .
8) Argentine 1891

9) Siamese Mauser

Mauser M-98 (Gew98, 98k, kar98, 1909, 33-40, VZ-24 and
7.37 total length, Front 1.984, Rear 5.353
Mauser M-48 Yugo Also M-24 Mexican
7.24 total length, Front 2.015, Rear 5.225

Mauser M-1910/36 Mexican
7.036 total length, Front 1.730, Rear 5.306
Mauser M-1893/95
6.826 total length, Front 1.682, Rear 5.144

Mauser M-96 Swede
7.185 total length, Front 1.742, Rear 5.443
Mauser Argentine M-91
Need Photo
Mauser Magnum (True Magnum)
7.60 total length, Front 2.170, Rear 5.353
Need Photo
Model 48 Yugo conversion from M-98
Yep More Pictures coming soon
1) Mauser M-98 (Gew98,
kar98, 1909, 33-40, VZ-24 and others)
4.1/4" long, 7/16" wide, side area with groove, 5/16".. groove width

2) Mauser M-48 Yugo
Same As M-98 above, slightly different radius to bevel
3) Mauser M-1910/36 Mexican
4.1/2" long, 13/32" wide, side area with groove, 1/4".. groove
width 3/16"
4) Mauser M-1893/95
4.3/16" long, 13/32" wide, side area with groove, 7/32".. groove
width 3/32"
5) Mauser Argentine M-91
6) Mauser M-96 Swede
4.1/8" long, 13/32" wide, side area with groove, 7/32".. groove
width 1/16"
7) Mauser Magnum (True Magnum)
MISC pictures of extractors

Mauser Floor Plates
1. Intermediate 3 7/8" long, Lugs 3 3/4"
2 Standard 98 4" long, Lugs 3 37/8"
3 1908 Brazilian Long 4 1/8 long, Lugs 3 3/7 "
Mauser M-91 Argentine
Mauser M-93
Mauser M-95
Same as the M-93 except has a rounded bottom on bolt face.
Mauser M-94 / 38 Swedish
Mauser M-96 Swedish
Mauser M-98 straight bolt Body
Mauser 98k WW 2 Bolt Body
6.25" long
Mauser M-1909 Bolt
Mauser 33-40
note dished out bolt handle.
Mauser 98 Intermediate Bolt Body
6" long
Mauser M-98a carbine
Bolt has a 90% tun and a handle that is flat and checkered on the
Mexican M-1910, Straight handle
M-1936, has a sight 30% turn
down on bolt handle
Mauser Siamese
For the hard to find Siamese Mauser floor plate use a
Japanese M-38 floorplate
modification can be done easily. Check out the link.
floor plate Page
Please help with any corrections or additions to this page.
Last up date October 2024
Book for Mauser info $ 49.95 (out of Print)
our Selection of Mauser parts at
Mauser Parts